17. & 18. december, 2024, kl. 19:00 (120 min.).
DanseTapas er et initiativ fra Aarhus Dance Collective (AaDC), en etableret gruppe af contemporary dansere og koreografer, der brænder for at styrke og udvide dansemiljøet samt skabe nye tværkunstneriske initiativer i Aarhus. ----. December 17th & 18th, 2024, 19:00 (120 min.) DanseTapas is an initiative created by Aarhus Dance Collective (AaDC), an established group of contemporary dancers and choreographers passionate about expanding and empowering the local dance community as well as connecting artists in Aarhus through interdisciplinary initiatives.
DanseTapas er et initiativ fra Aarhus Dance Collective (AaDC), en etableret gruppe af contemporary dansere og koreografer, der brænder for at styrke og udvide dansemiljøet samt skabe nye tværkunstneriske initiativer i Aarhus. ----. December 17th & 18th, 2024, 19:00 (120 min.) DanseTapas is an initiative created by Aarhus Dance Collective (AaDC), an established group of contemporary dancers and choreographers passionate about expanding and empowering the local dance community as well as connecting artists in Aarhus through interdisciplinary initiatives.
Entré: 40 kr + evt. gebyr