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Shake hands with sandy hands: En workshop for børn og voksne med kunstner Toshiaki Hicosaka

Diverse: For børn

Shake hands with sandy hands -> Sprog: Engelsk-> Fri entré (tilmelding anbefalet)-> Egnet til børn 4+ år og deres forældre/værger. Børn elsker at lege med sand. Måske kunne voksne lære noget af det?

Børn ved, at deres kreationer i sandkassen på et tidspunkt vil kollapse eller blive nedbrudt. Alligevel nyder de at skabe og forestille sig forskellige ting. Det er måske det, at deres sandlege er midlertidige, der gør, at børnene frit kan forme dem og lave deres egne forestillinger. Lad os vække vores sanser ved at gribe og røre ved sand igen og på den måde åbne for fantasiens verden. Start med at give hånd til personen ved siden af dig med hænderne fyldt med sand
Find mere information her:https://kunsthalaarhus.dk/da/E...
Shake hands with sandy hands -> Language: English-> Free entrance (registration recommended)-> Suitable for children 4+ years and their parents/guardians
Kids love playing with sand. Maybe adults could learn something from it?
Creating objects and leaving them as a legacy for the future are not always the same. Children know that their creations in the sandbox will eventually collapse or be dismantled, yet they enjoy crafting and imagining various objects. It's perhaps because these creations are temporary that they can freely shape them and make their own interpretations. Let's awaken our senses by touching and gripping sand again, and expand our world of imagination. Begin by greeting the person next to you with a handshake, sandy hands and all
Find more information here:https://kunsthalaarhus.dk/en/E.