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Niff24 - The Girl With the Needle

Diverse: Andet

Karoline, a young factory worker, finds herself abandoned and pregnant while striving to climb out of poverty in post WW1 Copenhagen.

Amidst her struggles, she meets Dagmar, a charismatic woman running a hidden adoption agency within a candy store, helping poor mothers in finding foster homes for their unwanted children. To escape poverty, Karoline takes on the role of a wet-nurse.

Karolina, inuusuttoq fabrikkimi sulisoq, Københavnimi sorsunnersuup siulliup soraarnerata kingorna piitsuunermiit qaffanniarsaritilluni qimanneqarsimavoq naartulersimallunilu. Ilungersoruttulerluni Dagmar naapippaa, arnaq inoqatiminut sunniisinnaassuseqartoq mamakujuttuerniarfiullu iluani isertortumik qitornavissiartaartarfimmik ingerlataqartoq, tassani anaanat piitsut meeqqaminnut piumaneqanngitsunut ilaqutarsiassarsiorneranni ikiortarlugit. Piitsuuneq qimanniarlugu Karolina milutsitsisitut suliaqalerpoq.

NAPA/The Nordic Institute in Greenland presents Northern Light:
The Girl with the Needle (2024)
115 min.
Director: Magnus von Horn
Country: Denmark, Poland, Sweden
Language: Danish
Genre: Crime, drama.