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Arkiv: Overstået event


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Invitation to listen: SOUND OF BECOMING ANOTHER KIND OF BEING - LIVING - DYING. Arendse Krabbe. ANA LOKAL20.09.24 - 19.10.24. Du inviteres ind i et rum, der lytter til dig og du inviteres ind i et rum, der vil lyttes til.

I rummet findes lag og folder af lyd simultant. Lyden handler om det, der er lige nu og her. Lyden handler også om forskydninger i tid, rum og sted. Hvordan indfinder kroppen sig i lytningen? Hvordan indfinder fællesskabet sig i lytningen? Er det stadig muligt at plante et frø?
Jeg inviterer det fællesskab, der demonstrerer imod folkedrabet af civilbefolkningen i Gaza. Invitationen er i solidaritet med de kunstarbejdere, som bliver censurerede for at udtale sig kritisk om Israels krigsforbrydelser og dets allierede.
I rummet vil vidner til krigsforbrydelserne i Gaza fortælle deres vidneudsagn.
*Udstillingstitlen er et citat fra den amerikanske komponist Pauline Oliveros tekst "The Earth Worm Also Sings".
Udstillingen er støttet af Statens Kunstfond.
Arendse Krabbe
ANA LOCAL20.09.24 - 19.10.24
You are invited into a room that listens to you and you are invited into a room that wants to be listened to. In the room layers and folds of sound are present. It is about what is sounding right here and now. It is also about dislocated sounds in time and space. How does the body adapt to listening? How does the community adapt to listening? Is it still possible to plant a seed?
I invite the community demonstrating against the genocide of the civilian population in Gaza. The invitation is in solidarity with fellow artists who are being censored for criticizing the war crimes of Israel and its allies.
In the room, witnesses to the war crimes in Gaza will tell their testimonies.
*The exhibition title is from the text "The Earth Worm Also Sings" by the american composer Pauline Oliveros.
The exhibition is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation.