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Vision Quest

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Ceremonial marking of life transition. Vision Quest is both a personal and collective event of ceremonial marking of life transition.

It is an event that is guided, witnessed and facilitated in nature and involves a four-day solo & fasting time.

We will spend six day in preparation for the solo time and a further two for the importance of integrating the experience afterwards.

In the preparation for the solo fast we will, among other, work our way around the Medicine Wheel representing the body, mind, psychic and spiritual aspects of being a human being.

In the preparation period we will also venture into nature by going on what is called "Medicine Walk". This is a way of tapping into our deeper knowing by expanding the awareness within and around us. -A way of practicing deep listening to the guidance of our Soul, as it is being mirrored in nature. Potentially strengthening our intuition allowing us to receive insight to any question we may hold.
The experience of these walks will be shared and mirrored to clarify the insights they may bring.

Additionally to the preparation time we will incorporate creative expression, free movement and voice exploration.

This will all provide you with a solid foundation for creating your own versions and interpretations of ceremony during your four days fasting and solo time in nature. -Where you are further encouraged to open all of your senses and listening to the guidance that is always there for us to tap into.

Vision Quest is the Native North American version of a Rite of Passage and it is with great respect for their tradition that I offer this pan-cultural and contemporary interpretation of their tradition.

I have been training as a 'wilderness guide' or 'vision quest midwife' with School of Lost Boarders in California in 2017 and this lays the foundational structure for the outline of this Vision Quest. https://schooloflostborders.org/

You can read more about me on my website:

Tisvilde Hegn is the wildest piece of nature in Northern Sealand where forest meets coastland and open heather landscape. A part of "Nationalpark Kongernes Nordsjælland" and a "Natura 2000 habitat area". -This is a beautiful piece of land of my ancestors where I used to go play together with my family as a child. I has been my home and my medicine, my nest and my castle the last seven years.

For the preparation and integration days we will camp at a holiday house near to Tisvilde Hegn. Bring your own tent, sleeping gear and your bike. Food will be provided for prepared in community.

For further information about the Vision Quest please do not hesitate to contact me for any question or maybe concern you might have.
Secure your spot for the vision quest taking place this summer here:.