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Arkiv: Overstået event

Performance & conversation : Bartek Arobal Kociemba : Rehearsals of Belonging

Musik: Andet/Ukendt

We warmly invite you to join us for a performance by AHC artist-in-residence Bartek Arobal Kociemba with live sound scaping by musician and composer Stefan Weglowski on 20 June, 7.00-9.30, at Containerakademiet.

From a wooden structure, a collection of drawn and painted textiles sway. The motifs drawn on the surfaces are created by repetitive rhythmical multilayered linear depictions of weeds and other "traveling plants" that found new home outside of their place of origin. The structure, designed by architect and designer, Mikkel Nielsen, explores the feelings of being in and out, and forms a pathway inside the installation that guides the audience. Traveling together in synchronization and against the tide, as an individual lost in a crowd and a spontaneous unified multi-being. All at the same time, one leading to another.
The performance will happen in- and around the installation as a group ritual, a guided movement aiming to dissolve the audience into the artwork, and thus further explore the sense of belonging and togetherness.
The performance will be followed by a conversation with Bartek Arobal Kociemba aiming to draw out some of the material and conceptual elements of the installation and performance.
PROGRAM19.00 Welcome and introduction
19.15 performance
20.00 Conversation
20.30 DJ-set and drinks
21.30 Thank you for today


20 June 7:00-9:30 PM, Container Akademiet, 2150 Nordhavn
The event is free to attend, but requires that you book a ticket through Billetto.
Please notice that the event is in English.
BARTEK AROBAL KOCIEMBABartek Arobal Kociemba is Copenhagen-based Polish visual artist, spiritual teacher, and co-founder of artist-run VLP Gallery. Studied Political Science and Philosophy. Self-taught, he works with drawing, mixed media, installation, performance, and ritual. Mentee of a renown curator Aneta Szylak. He recently exhibited at the MOMA Warsaw and Supermarket Art Fair.

In his work, he seeks a common root for botanical, animalistic, and sensual motifs of otherness from the perspective of an uprooted migrant and a meditating seeker, where what's visible and invisible are equal. His initiatives, including Queer Meditations, supported by LGBT+ Denmark, showcase spiritual and communal influences. At the VLP Gallery, he cultivates diverse dialogues, uniting creators from varied backgrounds, reclaiming and redefining the old saying "At leve på polsk" into a manifesto of mutual support beyond privilege.
Stefan Weglowski is a composer, producer and live performer. He graduated from the F. Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz in the 2011 class of classical guitar. Weglowski lectures at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw at the Faculty of Media Art. Since 2022, he's been leading the Studio of Sound Engineering and Editing. Currently, he is also a doctoral student at the 3D2 and Virtual Events Studio.
His work mainly includes compositions for small ensembles and solo instruments. In his works he uses minimalist and spectral techniques, combining them with the broader area of electronic music. such as sampling, field recording, granural synthesis and spatial design. He oscillates between genres such as ambient, noize, drone and experimental music. In his work he seeks connections between timbre, sound intensity, and its processing through new technologies and actions in space.
MIKKEL NIELSEN Mikkel Nielsen is a Danish architect who graduated from the Danish School of Architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts in 2011. He has practiced architecture professionally in Denmark, Japan, Norway, and Poland. His portfolio spans a wide range of projects, including residential and office buildings, industrial facilities, infrastructure, and urban planning.

Mikkel Nielsen has developed a distinctive style that merges digital techniques with organic elements, employing new production methods to achieve both aesthetic excellence and sustainability. His recent designs have been showcased at prestigious events such as the Biennale of Crafts and Design at the Copenhagen Contemporary and the Salone del Mobile in Milan. One of his most renowned creations, a three-meter-tall installation titled 'Soft Structure,' is currently exhibited at the Design Museum Denmark as the centerpiece of the 'Future is Present' exhibition.