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Arkiv: Overstået event

Beethoven i godt humør: Andreas Brantelid og Christian Ihle Hadland

Musik: Klassisk

Glyptotekets sommerkoncerter præsenterer endnu engang verdensklassemusikere blandt romerske guder og helte i museets stemningsfulde Festsal.

Kom og oplev de to skandinaviske musikere af imponerende internationalt format, cellist Andreas Brandelid og pianist Christian Ihle Hadland, når de fortolker cellosonater af Beethoven. Den unge komponist dedikerede sin første cellosonate til den preussiske Kong Friedrich Wilhelm II, som selv spillede cello. Sonatens førstesats begynder med en langsom adagio, hvorefter musikken kastes ud i en frisk og fingerlet allegro og ender i en legesyg, valsende rondo.
I sin tredje cellosonate gav Beethoven celloen mere plads, så instrumenterne stod endnu mere lige, og celloen er også den, der synger sonaten i gang, før klaveret væver sig ind i det tematiske materiale. Sonaten er generelt udadvendt med krydrede passager af næsten eksotisk karakter.
Andreas Brantelid, cello. Christian Ihle Hadland, klaver

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827): Cellosonate nr. 1 i F-dur, op.5, nr. 1 (1796)Adagio sostenuto - AllegroRondo. Allegro vivace
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827): Cellosonate nr. 3 i A-dur, op. 69 (1808)Allegro ma non tantoScherzo. Allegro moltoAdagio cantabile - Allegro vivace
Foto: Ida Wang

Pris og billetter
Billetten inkluderer entré til Glyptoteket hele dagen, så du kan opleve museets samlinger ifm. koncerten. I Picnic kan du spise dejlig frokost eller nyde et glas. Info om menu og bordreservation her.
Årskortholder: 160 kr.Voksen: 200 kr.
Under 27 år/studerende: 160 kr.
Under 18 år: 130 kr.

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Om Glyptotekets sommerkoncerter
Glyptotekets sommerkoncerter kan opleves hver søndag i august og september kl. 12-13. Bag det stjernespækkede program står 1.koncertmester fra Danmarks Underholdningsorkester og kammermusiker, Julie Eskær og solocellist i Det Kgl. Kapel, Ingemar Brantelid, og festivalen afholdes i år for 45. gang.
TakSolistforeningen af 1921, Dansk Solistforbund, Augustinus Fonden, Wilhelm Hansen og Knud Højgaards Fond. Programnoter af Marie-Louise Zervides.

Summer Concerts at The GlyptotekHigh-spirited Beethoven: Andreas Brantelid and Christian Hartland22 September 2024 12.00 noon
Once again, the Glyptotek Summer Concerts are delighted to present a range of world-class musicians, performing amongst the Roman gods and heroes in the museum's atmospheric Central Hall.
Come and hear two international-calibre Scandinavian musicians -the cellist Andreas Brandelid and the pianist Christian Ihle Hadland - playing cello sonatas by Beethoven. The young composer dedicated his first cello sonata to Friedrich Wilhelm II, King of Prussia, who played the cello. After beginning with a slow Adagio, the first movement of the sonata transitions to a fresh, deft Adagio, before ending in a playful, waltz-like Rondo.
In his third cello sonata, Beethoven gave the cello more space, so the cello and the piano were on an even more equal footing. The cello starts the sonata with a song-like melody before the piano weaves its way into the thematic material. The sonata as a whole is extrovert with spicy, almost exotic passages.
Andreas Brantelid, celloChristian Ihle Hartland, piano

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827): Cello Sonata No. 1 in F major, Op. 5, No. 1 (1796)Adagio sostenuto - AllegroRondo. Allegro vivace
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827): Cello Sonata No. 3 in A major, Op. 69 (1808)Allegro ma non tantoScherzo Allegro moltoAdagio cantabile - Allegro vivace
Photo: Ida Wang
Price and tickets
The ticket include admission to the museum throughout the day, so take the opportunity to explore the collections either before or after the concert. Enjoy a delicious meal or a drink in Picnic. Information about the menu and table reservation here.
Season-ticket holders: DKK 160Adults: DKK 200
Under 27/students: DKK 160
Under 18: DKK 130

You can buy tickets via Billetto here.
Ticket includes admission to the Glyptotek all day.
Tickets are non-refundable but may be passed on. Tickets cannot be exchanged for another date/concert.

Purchase your season ticket here and enjoy free admission to the Glyptotek's exhibitions, along with discounts on events and in the museum shop and café.
For information about wheelchair accessibility, the companion scheme etc., read more here.
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About Summer Concerts at The Glyptotek
The Summer Concerts take place every Sunday in.