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Poma Masterclass - Water for Coffee

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In the world of coffee, water is more than just a medium for extraction - it's a critical component that significantly impacts the final brew's quality.

Despite this awareness, understanding the intricacies of water mineral composition and its influence on coffee characteristics remains limited in the industry
Traditionally, discussions around water composition in coffee brewing have centred on individual minerals like Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Sodium (Na), and bicarbonates. However, this simplistic approach overlooks the fact that these minerals exist in combinations, such as Magnesium Chloride (MgCl) or Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4), each with distinct effects on flavour.

Anions and cations play a crucial role in determining the taste profile of water. For example, different forms of Magnesium, like MgCl and MgSO4, can produce contrasting flavours in brewed coffee. While MgCl enhances brightness, fresh fruit qualities, and acidity, it can also introduce saltiness and minerality in excessive amounts. On the other hand, MgSO4 accentuates floral aromas and imparts a subtle bitterness. Understanding the balance between these ions is essential for crafting the desired coffee profile.
Recognising the importance of this relationship, we partnered with esteemed water specialists at Apax Lab to delve deeper into this topic and shed light on its complexities. Therefore, we would like to invite you do join a masterclass on water for coffee curated by Rasmus Madsen from Poma Coffee. We will cover the following topics:

A presentation on water quality in coffeeA tasting covering the importance of mineral composition in water for coffee brewing.A tasting highlighting the impact of minerals in the brewing process and post brewing additions.A workshop on how to build water for different coffee profiles.A tasting of different base waters (distilled, demineralised...) and their effect on the final quality.