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Arkiv: Overstået event

Rasmus Sørensen Trio

Musik: Jazz

Koncerten præsenteres som en del af Copenhagen Jazz Festival. Den danske pianist og komponist Rasmus Sørensen flyttede til New York i 2018 og har siden da opnået bred anerkendelse for sin fremadsynede lyd, både som musiker og komponist.

Efter at have samarbejdet med et bredt udvalg af kunstnere på tværs af genrer, blev hans debutalbum, "Traits", udgivet den 17. juni 2022 og viser Rasmus' opfattelse af verden gennem hans musikalske synspunkt.
Født og opvokset i en musikalsk familie i det nordlige Danmark, fik Rasmus hurtigt en passion for musik og blev en eftertragtet pianist i en tidlig alder. Han besluttede derefter at deltage i jazzprogrammet på Skurups Folkhögskola i Sverige efter at have fyldt 19 år og flyttede til København året efter for at prøve livet som professionel musiker.
Et år senere besluttede han sig for at flyve over Atlanten for at komme ind på Manhattan School of Music, hvor han blev tilbudt et fuldt stipendium baseret på hans audition. Siden da er han blevet mentoreret af nogle af de største nuværende musikere og pædagoger inden for kunstformen, herunder Buster Williams, Phil Markowitz, Stefon Harris, Dayna Stephens, John Riley, Lenny White og Rogerio Boccato. Derudover har han også haft glæden af at optræde sammen med mange af de mest talentfulde musikere på den newyorkanske jazzscene, samt have opført sin originale musik på prestigefyldte spillesteder som The Jazz Gallery, Smalls Jazz Club, Mezzrow, Cafe Bohemia, 55 Bar og Ornithology Jazz Club.

Danish pianist, composer and improviser Rasmus Sørensen moved to New York City in 2018 and has since gained wide recognition for his accessible yet forward-looking sound both as a musician and composer. Having collaborated with a vast array of artists across genres over the years as well as having toured extensively, his debut trio album Traits was released on June 17th 2022 and exhibits Rasmus' perception of the world around us through his musical scope.
Born and raised in a musically active family in northern Denmark, Rasmus quickly picked up a passion for music and became a sought-after pianist at an early age. He then decided to attend the jazz program at Skurups Folkhögskola in Sweden after turning 19 and moved to Copenhagen the year after, trialing life as a professional musician. Finally, he decided to move across the pond a year later to attend the Manhattan School of Music, where he was offered a full-tuition scholarship based on his audition. Since then, he's been mentored by some of the greatest living musicians and educators of the art form including Buster Williams, Phil Markowitz, Stefon Harris, Dayna Stephens, John Riley, Lenny White and Rogerio Boccato and has gotten to perform alongside many of the most accomplished musicians on the New York jazz scene as well as having performed his original music at prestigious venues such as The Jazz Gallery, Smalls Jazz Club, Mezzrow, Cafe Bohemia, 55 Bar and Ornithology Jazz Club.
Rasmus also frequents other countries as a result of his musical endeavors and has toured with various groups in Canada, Russia, France, The Netherlands, Italy, England, Finland, Lithuania and Switzerland to name a few.