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Niff24 - Opening Ceremony - Life on the Edge

Diverse: Andet

Filmmakers will be present. Filmiliortut najuukkumaarput. An Inuit educator navigates the stunning landscapes of Greenland as he seeks to help people in their struggles with mental health.

Once greatly troubled himself - haunted by a friend's death and his own brushes with violence - Nuka has turned his life around. He journeys through the remote indigenous settlements of Greenland, speaking about mental health and suicide prevention. Surrounded by vast glaciers and ice sheets, a land at the very edge of the world, Nuka works with a troubled teen, a phlegmatic hunter and a single mother; each has demons they are trying to come to terms with, and a desire to break with cycles of intergenerational trauma. Beautifully shot, capturing the primordial nature of this solitary environment,Life on the Edge, balances breathtaking images of towering icebergs with compassionate portraits of Nuka and those he seeks to help. These indigenous stories are, by turns, moving, generous and life-affirming.

Ilinniartitsisup naggueqatigiit Inuit ilaat inuit tarnikkut peqqissuutitsinissamik
sorsuuteqarnerannik ikiorniarsaralugit Kalaallit Nunaanni nunat takorannerluinnartut
Qangaanerusoq nammineq ajornartorsiuteqangaarsimalluni - ikinngutip toqunera
namminerlu nakuuserluni unioqqutitsisimanini erloqissutigalugit - Nukap inuunini
allanngortilluinnarsimavaa. Kalaallit Nunaanni nunat inoqqaavisa nunaqarfii
avinngarusimasut angalaffigai tarnikkut peqqissuutitsinissaq imminornissamullu pitsaaliuineq
oqaluuseralugit. Sermit angisoorsuit sermersuarlu avatangiiseralugit, nunami nunarsuup
killinganiittumi, Nukap inuusuttuaraq ajornartorsiutilik, piniartoq sunneruminaatsoq
anaanaasorlu kisermaaq imminnut suliarineranni ikiorpai; tamarmik pisimasut ajuissut
qaangerniarsarivaat kinguaariillu akornanni sakkortuunik nalaataqarsimanerit
nalliuteqqittartut unitsikkusullugit. Kusanarluinnartumik filmiliarineqarsimalluni avatangiisit
avinngarusimasut pinngoqqaarsimanermisulli pissuseqartut Killingani Inuuneq-mi
iluliarsuarsuit assingi kusanassutsimikkut tupinnarluinnartut aamma Nukamik inuillu
ikiorniarsarisaanik assilisat naakkinnippalaartut imminnut oqimaaqatigiissillugit
saqqummiunneqarput. Nunap inoqqaavisa oqaluttuaat uku, nikittaallutik, attortinnarput,
imartullutik inuunermullu kajumissinarlutik.

NIFF2024 Opening Ceremony
In Collaboration with Paarisa:
Life on the Edge (2024)
63 min.
Director: Sebastian Feehan and Johnny Langenheim
Country: Greenland, United Kingdom
Language: Kalaallisut, English
Genre: Documentary.