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Niff24 - Opening Kids' Pogram - Atuaqatikka

Diverse: Andet

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In a classroom at Mathias Storch School in Ilulissat, Mino, Laura, and Aligiaq sit with the rest of 5.a. Today, they are all excited because their classmate Inunnguaq is going to participate in the town's dog sled race for the first time, and they want to go cheer for him.
The children think it is really nice to be part of a class community, and they look forward to the Christmas bazaar and dancing for their parents at the school's kaffemik. Some of the children's parents are divorced, but it feels good when both parents come to class events. However, the children also find it difficult when there are arguments, for example, during gym class, or when they feel left out. And for someone like Aviaja, who joins the class as a new student, it can be sensitive to find a place in an already established community.
Although their leisure activities, such as soccer and fishing trips, and their relationships with their parents are very important, school also holds a lot of significance - for better or for worse. It is where they are with their friends and explore who they are, both individually and in relation to others. The series follows the class through a year and, in 10 episodes, closely examines what matters to these children in Ilulissat.

Mathias Storchip Atuarfia
Ilulissani Mathias Storchip Atuarfiani atuartut Mino, Laura, aamma Aligiaq klassemi 5.a-mi issiapput. Ullumi nuannaaqaat, atuaqataat Inunnguaq siullermeerluni illoqarfimmi qimussimik unamminermi peqataassammat, tamarmillu tapersersoriartorusuppaat.
Meeqqat klassimi ataqatigiinnertik nuannarivaat, juullikkunnilu julemarkedertitsinissartik, atuarfiullu kaffisortitsinerani angajoqqaaminut takutitsinissartik qilanaarivaat. Meeqqat ilaat angajoqqaavi avinnikuupput, kisianni angajoqqaajusut tamarmik atuarfiup aaqqissugaanik sammisaqartitsisoqaraangat takkukkaangata nuannarisarpaat.
Taamaattorli meeqqat aamma unammillernartittarpaat isumaqatigiinngissuteqartoqaraangat, assersuutigalugu eqaarsaaraarangata imaluunniit immikkoortitaasutut misigisoqaraangat. Assersuutigalugu Aviaja nutaatut aallartittoq nalunarsinnaavoq klassimi nutaami aallartinnissaq. Sunngiffimmi sammisatik, soorlu arsarneq, aalisarneq, angajoqqaallu pingaaruteqaraluaqisut, atuarfik atuartut inuunerannut aamma pingaaruteqartorujussuuvoq - nuannersumik nuanniitsumillu. Tassani silarsuarmut inooqataasutut misigipput, kinaassusertik ujartorlugu, inuit ataasiakkaatut aammalu ataatsimoorlutik. Isiginnaagassiaq nangeqattaartoq atuaqatigiit ukioq ataatsip ingerlanerani malinnaaffigaa. Qulinik immikkoortortaqarpoq - meeqqat Ilulissani pingaartitaat uukkataralugu.

Opening Kids' Program:
Atuaqatikka (2024)
40 min.
Director: Ulla Søe
Country: Denmark, Greenland
Language: Kalaallisut
Genre: Documentary.