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HAUT 10 years celebration - community dinner

Teater: Show/stand up

Join the COMMUNITY DINNER at HAUTs 10 years celebration! We invite you to come gather around the table with us for a festive meal. Let's feed conversations, make toasts for the future and enjoy all that we have created together thus far.

Book your dinner ticket latest 11th August -
The dinner is FREE of charge but we have limited seats at the table, so book a ticket if you want to eat with us.
Love, HAUT

We of course encourage you to take part in the entire celebration, the program looks like this:
17:00 Bubbles, speeches and a surprise19:00 Community dinner - remember to book your ticket! 21:00 DJ + dancing into the night
Deltag i COMMUNITY DINNER til HAUTs 10 years celebration!
Vi inviterer jer til at samles omkring bordet til et festligt måltid sammen med os. Lad os fodre samtalerne, skåle for fremtiden og fejre alt det, vi har skabt sammen frem til nu.
book din middagsbillet senest d. 11. August -
Middagen er GRATIS, men vi har begrænset antal pladser, så book en middagsbillet hvis du vil spise sammen med os.
Kærlig hilsen, HAUT

Vi håber selvfølgelig at du har lyst til at deltage I hele fejringen, programmet ser således ud:
17:00 Bobler, taler og en overraskelse19:00 Community dinner - husk at booke din billet!21:00 DJ + dans ind i natten
Graphic by Formal SettingsPhotos by Louise Herrche Serup, Jesper Tønnes, Morten Arnfred - Good Place Production, Anders Ravnsholt Riis and Ville Vidø.