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Arkiv: Overstået event

The Artaud Engine and other Works

Teater: Show/stand up

'The Artaud Engine and Other Works'Stuart Lynch reads from his 2009 play, The Artaud Engine', his most recent book, 'Thirty-Six Monologues' and presents the new written works: 'The Bear'; 'Insomnia Train'; and 'Oblivion'.

Lynch's work as a director, performer and writer, revolves around themes of temporality, existence and a search for emotional intensity. The writings are lyrical in nature and underpinned by obsessions with psychosis, betrayal, death, violence and love. The work features a guest collaboration with the Composer Peter Kyed
Stuart Lynch is the Artist in Residence here at Literaturhaus in 2024.
Doors open 15.30

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