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Poranguí - Live in Copenhagen - Chakaruna World Bridging Tour

Musik: Andet/Ukendt

Dear friend on this path of life. OACACAO is inviting you:Poranguí - Live in Copenhagen. Chakaruna World Bridging Tour: A Journey of Sound, Movement, and Spirit. Medicine for the heart and the soul. *****************************.

Prepare to embark on a transcendent journey with the world-renowned musician, healer, and educator Poranguí, as he graces COPENHAGEN on 10th of August in DANSEKAPELLET.
Poranguí is a world-renowned musician, composer, and therapeutic bodyworker who blends ancestral sounds and indigenous rhythms from around the globe to foster our individual and collective well-being. Through his live performances, which he creates from scratch using looping technology, he takes his audiences on a sonic journey that ranges from meditative to exhilarating, moving the body and elevating the spirit. As he puts it, "My art is that of holding sacred space. The degree to which I can hold space musically or in silence, on a stage or with a client, determines if magic will happen. Whether we are dealing with the space between notes or the space between breaths, the healing power of my work happens when I get out of the way and allow Spirit to move through me.
"The Chakaruna World Bridging Tour draws its inspiration from the ancient Quechua concept of "Chakaruna," meaning World Bridger. "Chaka" represents the Bridge, while "Runa" symbolizes the People, together reflecting the sacred duty of forging connections between the tangible and the intangible, the Earth and the Spirit, the individual and the collective.
Poranguí beckon us to step into our own roles as Chakarunas, intricately weaving our spirits into the vibrant tapestry of life and synchronizing with the pulsating heartbeat of the Earth.Join us for a soul-stirring celebration of interconnectedness and awakening. The Chakaruna World Bridging Tour is not merely a series of performances; it is a gateway to a more profound sense of being, a dance across the bridge of worlds that unites us in rhythm, harmony, and shared humanity.
ALL AGES are welcome
Learn more at www.porangui.com
Under 16: 200DKR
NB:Are you under financial pressure and carry a deep wish to join us for this event, then we have a few spots available on our helper team.We build this dream together as a medicine family.As a helper you are expected to join us in the hours before and after concert, to help with practicalities: Organizing venue, preparing flowers, decorations, building the altar and more.During the concert you are free.Please write us a PM if this resonates
We can't guarantee a spot for all applicants <3
Doors open 18.00
OacacaO and concert around 19.
Concert is approx. 2-3 hours, dancing and landing after.
Please bring your own cup for cacao and perhaps something soft to sit on
No softdrinks or alchohol inside the stage and dancefloor area.We are looking forward to seeing you there.
With Love - Wake & OACACAO.