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Arkiv: Overstået event

Copenhagen Jazz Festival: Vega Trails (UK)

Musik: Jazz

Oplev kontrabassist og komponist Milo Fitzpatrick fra Portio Quartet og saxofonisten Jordan Smart og deres nye projekt under jazzfestivalen.

Vega Trails er et nyt projekt fra kontrabassist og komponist Milo Fitzpatrick, en af grundlæggerne bag Portico Quartet, og saxofonisten Jordan Smart (Mammal Hands, Sunda Arc) - Sammen udgør de en powerduo, hvor to karismatiske musikere bringer bassen og melodi-elementer frem i deres reneste form.
Under nedlukningen fordybede Milo Fitzpatrick sig i musik, der havde plads og enkelthed, såsom svensk folkemusik og indisk klassisk musik. Men det var først efter at have hørt Charlie Hadens album med duetter, 'Closeness', at det gik op for Fitzpatrick, at den anden musiker skulle være Jordan Smart.
"Jeg så Jordan spille ved to Gondwana Records arrangementer - i Berlin og Tokyo. Begge gange var jeg fortryllet af intensiteten og overbevisningen i hans spil. Hans engagement i at overgå sig selv og lytteren gjorde et stort indtryk på mig."
Smart bragte åbenhed og positivitet, og hans evne til at spille tenor- og sopransaxofon med lige stor beherskelse, samt bas-klarinet og Ney-fløjten, tillod dem at åbne lydpaletten op og trække melodierne ind i forskellige følelseslandskaber.
Resultatet er Vega Trails, et projekt der bringer to åbne og kommunikative musikere sammen for første gang, for at fortælle smukke snoede historier sammen og skabe noget sjælfuldt og nyt. Deres debutalbum, "Tremors in the Static", udkommer på Gondwana Records i maj 2022.

Vega Trails is a new project from double-bassist and composer Milo Fitzpatrick, a founder member of Portico Quartet and features saxophonist Jordan Smart (Mammal Hands, Sunda Arc) in a richly powerful duo bringing together two powerfully charismatic musicians. The project was born out of a desire to bring the elements of bass and melody to the foreground in their rawest form.
During Lockdown Milo Fitzpatrick immersed himself in music that had space and sparseness such as Swedish fiddle music and Indian Classical music. However, it was only after listening to Charlie Haden's album of duets, 'Closeness', that the project would come into focus as a duo, and Fitzpatrick immediately knew that the second musician had to be Jordan Smart:
"I saw Jordan play at two Gondwana Records events - in Berlin and Tokyo. Both times I was mesmerised by the intensity and conviction of his playing. His commitment to the cause of transcending himself and the listener made a lasting impression on me"
Smart brought an openness and positivity and his ability to play tenor and soprano saxophone with equal command, as well as bass clarinet and Ney flute, allowed them to open up the pallet of sound and pull the melodies into varying emotional landscapes.
The result is Vega Trails, a project that brings together two open-mined and communicative musicians for the first time, to tell beautiful winding stories together and to create something soulful and new. Their debut album, Tremors in the Static, is released on Gondwana Records in May 2022.