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Unto Others [US] + Special Guests: Terminalist + Archangel

Musik: Rock/Pop

De fremadstormende amerikanske heavy-goth-rockere Unto Others rammer Stengade til deres første headliner show i Danmark.

Hyper thrasher Terminalist og horror rockers Archangel sparker aftenen i gang!Unto Others:It is truly heavy music's sweetest spot to take the majesty and familiarity of its past and inject it with a fresh bout of creativity, a welcome jolt of musical bravery and an X factor that makes you believe this band could make a difference. With nods to timeless gothic rock, traditional heavy metal, arena-ready hard rock and all while never, ever pulling their punches, this is exactly what Portland, Oregon's Unto Others (formerly Idle Hands) have been doing since their inception in 2017.The band is the brainchild of singer songwriter Gabriel Franco (formerly of Spellcaster and Seventh Gate) and to truly understand Unto Others, one must step inside his shoes and walk his journey to this point. Having grown weary with the restrictive scene politics that come with playing in bands circumnavigating rock's underground, Franco made the decision to take a stand, both with the world and himself, to be limitless in both his ambition and his creative endeavors. After completing the task of seeking out and recruiting like-minded conspirators, all roads left to this band. All roads lead to Unto Others.

Following on from their globally critically acclaimed debut album Mana and its equally lauded prior EP, Don't Waste Your Time, as well as successful tours wowing the audiences of King Diamond, Behemoth and more, there is no better showcase for this iron clad mission statement than on their upcoming sophomore album, Strength.
Filled with festival sized riffing and boasting irresistible, inescapable vocal hooks by the truckload, it is a masterclass in showcasing the pinnacle of hard rock's past and not so much hinting at but screaming at a bright and bold new future. Be it the infectious gallop of "Why," the effortless cool strut that emanates from "Downtown," Gabe and Unto Others stared a global pandemic in the face and refused to be beaten into submission. Rather than allowing real world events to swallow them, they built a world of their own. An album that is true escapism.
https://open.spotify.com/artis...https://www.facebook.com/untoo...Terminalist:The crises surround us-from the energy crisis and the war in Ukraine to inflation, inequality and deepening political polarization to the overarching climate and biodiversity crisis. Wherever we look, the world around us is engulfed in a state of crisis.It is this weighty and complex theme that the Danish-American hyperthrashers in Terminalist take up on their sophomore album, 'The Crisis as Condition.' Rooted in 1980s technical thrash metal, they update the socio-political criticism known from the genre's heyday in the late '80s and early '90s-a time that was also characterized by political upheaval, yet marked by a belief in better times ahead.On 'The Crisis as Condition,' this worldview is turned inside out. The optimism of earlier times and faith in progress have been replaced by a bleak and pessimistic realism.Transformation turns to turmoil; the state of emergency is the new normal. Crisis has become a condition.Where the debut album, 'The Great Acceleration,' was a commentary on the (future) space race and the inherently destructive side of technology, 'The Crisis as Condition' is asimultaneously detached and impassioned look at the present. Science fiction fantasies have been shelved in favor of a fierce analysis and castigation of contemporary crisis-ridden society. The future is not what it used to be.This is expressed through hard-hitting and dynamic music rich in detail that has its basis in thrash metal, but which draws parallels to progressive metal and black metal with its intricate rhythms and ambitious songwriting. The lyrical references span far and wide-from Kreator to Margaret Thatcher-and draw on the works and thoughts of philosophers, sociologists, cultural critics, and political scientists such as Francis Fukuyama, Adam Tooze, Mark Fisher, Hartmut Rosa, Paul Virilio, and Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen.https://open.spotify.com/artis...https://www.facebook.com/termi...Archangel:Establishing a skeleton of punk structures, songwriting, and raw energy influenced by acts such as Minor Threat, Good Riddance, AFI, Calabrese, Zombeast, the Offspring, Ramones, Blitzkid, The Lillingtons, and numerous others, and dowsing it with a quite literal heavy dose of Black Sabbath, Type O Negative, and, of course, all things Glenn Danzig, the band sets no boundaries for themselves and can range from being fast, melodic, even poppy, to soul-crushingly heavy.'Total Dark Sublime' - the debut album of Archangel that was released on October 20 2023, will seduce the listener with an energetic, aggressive metal-punk vibe, combined with huge arena rock choruses and memorable and catchy riffs.In an inferno of blood, Archangel creeps both hard-hitting and melodic songs into.