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24/7 2023
Utterslev Skole Idrætshal,
Magistervej 4
2400 København NV
Tlf: 8210 9500
Yderligere information: Hjemmeside
GPS-info: Lat 55.7098, Lon 12.5335

Tidl. Grundtvigsskolen


Utterslev Skole Idrætshal,, Diverse: Undervisning 18 mødegange kl. 16.30-21

Klaver eller guitar for alle niveauer

Klaver: Rytmisk og klassisk klaver for begyndere til øvede - for alle aldersgrupper. I undervisningen indgår der blandt andet: teknik, basal nodelære, teori og rytmelære og brugsklaver. Repertoiret tilrettelægges i samråd med kursisterne.


Utterslev Skole Idrætshal,, Motion: Andet boldspil kl. 20-22

Men's Team 2 (Intermediate)

This team is for men who have played before for many years and have an understanding of the game. There is a great coach on the team who can work with you on your fundamentals and also sets up plays for the team.



Utterslev Skole Idrætshal,, Motion: Andet boldspil kl. 20-22

Men's Team 2 (Intermediate)

This team is for men who have played before for many years and have an understanding of the game. There is a great coach on the team who can work with you on your fundamentals and also sets up plays for the team.



Utterslev Skole Idrætshal,, Motion: Andet boldspil kl. 20-22

Men's Team 2 (Intermediate)

This team is for men who have played before for many years and have an understanding of the game. There is a great coach on the team who can work with you on your fundamentals and also sets up plays for the team.



Utterslev Skole Idrætshal,, Motion: Andet boldspil kl. 20-22

Men's Team 2 (Intermediate)

This team is for men who have played before for many years and have an understanding of the game. There is a great coach on the team who can work with you on your fundamentals and also sets up plays for the team.

