Spring til indhold


Asgaard Hus, Diverse: Undervisning 14:00 - 19:00

Couples Retreat: 7 Keys to Happiness & Fulfillment

The Couples Retreat is for couples who are serious about "leveling up" their relationship - willing to connect more deeply and love more actively and intensely than most of the world believes is possible.


Pris: 5400-6000 kr per couple

Asgaard Hus, Diverse: Andet 14:00 - 19:00

Couples Retreat: Reignite the Flame of Love

Reignite the Flame of Love This weekend couple workshop is designed for loving couples who wish to reignite the flame in their relationship, or who wish to learn how to keep the spark alive and well for their entire lives.


Entré: 4200 - 6000 kr per couple